Design and Transformation

Design and Transformation

The exhibition “Design and Transformation. Stories of Czech Design 1990–2020” shows that the term Czech design hides many remarkable products and works. It traces the relationship between the transformation of society and design production. It does not focus only on beautiful objects, but tries to present the backdrop of their creation – the stories of companies whose fates document the specifics of the Central European situation – centuries-old cultural and craft traditions, as well as the constant changes of state formations, economic and political frameworks.

The exhibition “Design and Transformation. Stories of Czech Design 1990-2020” was created on the occasion of the Czech Republic’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union.  It was prepared by the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague (UMPRUM) in cooperation with the Moravian Gallery in Brno, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic and other government institutions.

OKOLO creative collective prepared for the exhibition Design and Transformation just one wall showing hundreds of selected pieces from the Czech product design, graphic design, fashion and other disciplines.

7/9/2022 – 8/1/2023
Design Museum Brussels
Place de Belgique – Belgiëplein, Brussels, Belgium

Year: 2022
Curator: Adam Štěch
Graphic design and Installation: Jan Kloss, Matěj Činčera
Client: UMPRUM